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¡Bienvenidos a Charity Chapel Kids!  Cada semana, brindamos programación divertida y atractiva para niños desde el nacimiento hasta el sexto grado.  Ya sea que su hijo esté en la guardería o en nuestra clases de preescolar y primaria, nuestros voluntarios están listos para mostrarles que son profundamente amados y enseñarles a través de contenido apropiado para su edad todo sobre cómo conocer y seguir a Jesús.  

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De Nacimiento a 3 años

Birth to 3

Our nursery is full of fun toys for babies and toddlers in a nurturing environment.  Our volunteers are ready to love on our youngest members and lay the earliest foundation for a relationship with Jesus.

De 4 años al jardín de infantes

4 to Kindergarten

PreK classes begin once a child is potty trained and ready for their first large group programming.  They will sing and learn motions to songs, play games, hear a Bible lesson and watch a short video.  They will finish their lesson with activities that reinforce what they learned that day and have free time to allow them to connect with their friends and volunteers.


1st to 6th Grade

Our elementary kids will walk into a room that has been designed with them in mind.  We meet together for a time of worship, dive deeper into God's word, play games and do activities that go along with our lesson.  Kids will break into small groups for age appropriate discussion about what they've learned and how to apply it to their lives and finish up with free time to build relationships with each other.  

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Programas para niños


en Charity Kids

En Charity Chapel, creemos que al ofrecerse como voluntario, puede ser parte de ayudar a nuestros niños a dar sus primeros y siguientes pasos hacia Jesús.  Nos encantaría ayudarlo a encontrar una manera de usar sus dones, ya sea a través del registro, el liderazgo de grupos grandes, el liderazgo de grupos pequeños o simplemente estar presente para ayudar.  ¡Las oportunidades son infinitas!

© 2024 by CharityChapel 

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