The Wogsland's
Mike & Seira Wogsland
Mike is a big Ol’ boy from Minnesota, Seira is a small, petite woman from Japan. Somehow God brought them together and gave them 5 amazing kids. Our Family has a heart to share God’s love with the world. After serving as pastors, missionaries, and church planters in Japan for 10 years, God has led them to start a discipleship in Love ministry called CHOSEN TO LOVE. Mike and Seira currently serve as the volunteer Missions Pastors at Charity Chapel, as well as on the Globe Member Care team which ministers to missionaries on foreign fields. Mike also ministers through discipleship videos posted to Youtube, and going and speaking at churches, to groups, and various ministries. He is the author of Translating Love.
The Lawson's
Chirs & Whitney Lawson
Did you know that there are 6,600+ unreached people groups in the world? That means that 3 billion individuals have never heard of the love and saving power of Jesus Christ. Scripture is clear; Jesus says, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” 66 million of those people reside in Thailand, and God has given the Lawson’s the call and privilege to take the love of Jesus to the people of Thailand.
These missionaries are passionate lovers of Jesus. He has transformed their lives and placed a burden and fire in their hearts for advancing the Kingdom of God. They are currently fulfilling the Great Commission in Pensacola, FL, while finishing out Chris’ contract with the U.S. Navy. They have three beautiful daughters, Addison, Emmalienne, and Dorothy Mae, who love Jesus and are an essential part of their ministry.
The Holderman's
Ken & Becky Holderman
Ken and Becky Holderman are now serving with Globe International as Member Care providers. Their main goal is to give emotional and spiritual encouragement as well as support to the missionaries.
Missionaries are on the front lines of spiritual warfare. As veteran missionaries, Ken and Becky have experienced the battle first hand. They can empathize with missionaries, standing alongside our workers to help them become “more than conquerors” even in their daily lives.
Ken and Becky served seven years on the mission field in Venezuela, four years in Spain (Canary Islands), and nine years doing Member Care in Asia. They have two sons, one daughter-in-law, and two grandsons. “Home” for Ken and Becky is Goshen, IN.
The Mather's
Jim & Mary Mather
My wife Mary and I are co-directors of a Christian community and student organization known as Friends of Internationals. We initially came to Mobile in the summer of 1998 after living in Pakistan for 5 years doing medical missions. From 1998 until 2009, we directed Friends of Internationals which is a Christian ministry based on the campus of the University of South Alabama. In 2009 we changed our focus in helping to establish a multi-ethnic church known as All Nations Community Church. In November of 2015 we stepped down from leadership at that church to reengage with Friends of Internationals as missionaries to the nations here in Mobile! Our vision is to "make friends around the world."
D&S Skelley
Dennis & Stella Skelley
Dennis and Stella Skelley met and married in England. After Dennis retired from the Air Force in 1983, we were impressed to go to the mission field. We first went to Germany to run and teach in a Christian school. Next, we went to China where we taught in colleges and universities for five years. After that, we started a poverty relief program and the Lord blessed it with many souls saved and a school founded. In the last ten years, in China, we helped in founding a school for troubled youths. Hundreds of lives were touched and transformed through the ministry of teachers in this school. We left after 20 years in China and the Lord led us to Malaysia to minister to Stella’s family. While we were there, we saw the dire need for the many thousands of refugees there. Presently, we are involved in the education arm of the Elshaddai Center. We train facilitators to implement a video-based phonics, reading and writing program to teach hundreds of over-age and under-educated children of undocumented refugees.
I&T Skelley
Ian & Teresa Skelley
Ian grew up in a mission-minded family and has been involved in Christian ministry most of his life. Having graduated with a degree in television broadcasting, he has worked with PBS, ABC and the Christian Television Network on numerous projects. He also helped start Digital Media Education, a non-profit organization designed to train up a new-generation of media producers and missionographers. As missionographers, Ian & Teresa’s vision is to: 1. Produce entertaining and inspiring programs that will excite believers and entice non-believers and 2. Train up other missionographers to do the same. Their current project, All Over the World, is a reality television program that shows how missionaries live and share God’s love to the peoples of the world.
The Klover's
Jon & Haley Klover
Jon Klover was born and raised in Michigan. He moved to Pensacola, Florida in 2005 where God radically transformed his life. He has since been serving in youth and young adults’ ministry for the past ten years.
In 2017 Jon launched Operation: Lost Sheep. Operation: Lost Sheep is a ministry focused on Matthew 18:12 where Jesus said “If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go look for the one that wandered off?
The words from this passage have become Jon’s marching orders to go outside the walls of the church as a rescue mission to bring back those who have strayed away. Jon also works with local area pastors to establish a restoration process within the church.